加拿大滑铁卢大学官方网站上对本科直录的要求注明IELTS需要7.0,但是表格下方的Important notes中有一条这样写道
Individual consideration may be given if either an iBT overall score of 90 (writing and/or speaking of 23 or 24) or an IELTS score of 6.5 (no band below 6.0) is submitted. For individual consideration, you must send an email to myapplication@uwaterloo.ca by April 15th, requesting special consideration.
我的雅思成绩是6.625,约到了6.5(没有低于6的),要是随便哪一个单项再加0.5,就约到7了(亏死了...................................),我想问一下这个"special consideration"对用我这样的雅思成绩申请他的本科专业有多大的帮助?希望大吗?主要是很喜欢这所学校的Faculty of Engineering和Faculty of Mathematics的专业!谢谢了!